Andy Warhol Animal Portraits

Our July 11th OutsmART event was created by Isadora Stowe, an award-winning artist and arts educator. She lives in the high desert of Las Cruces, New Mexico with her favorite work of Art, her sixteen-year-old, Lucia Stowe. She currently teaches Art as an Assistant Professor in El Paso, Texas and recently published her first coloring book, “Periphery Series.” She is also one of the featured Artist Mothers in the book The Motherhood of Art published in April 2020. Her artwork and processes can be viewed on her website:
andy warhol image of a catpic of stoweFollow along with Isadora’s OutsmART event by clicking the video above, in “Andy Warhol Animal Portraits” she explores instruction for how to use the blotted line technique used by Andy Warhol in his commercial work during the 1950’s. This technique combines drawing with basic printmaking and enabled Warhol to create a variety of illustrations along a similar stylistic theme. This process is used to make unique colorful animal illustrations, with a simple material list of black india ink, watercolors, watercolor paper, tracing paper, paintbrush, and pencil! This is a self-directed workshop that is prerecorded so your child can take part from anywhere at anytime. Tag @nmsuartmuseum and @isadorastowe on Facebook and Instagram when your child is finished with their creation. We hope they have fun! Need a picture of a cat or dog? Download the full project PDF here with pictures and all!
image of stowe teaching online
finished image of cat after online lesson is done