Upcoming Exhibitions

This Museum will be closed July 23 - August 20

Bunny Conlon Modern & Contemporary Art Gallery:

Thumbnail,Warhol and friends

Warhol & Friends
September 27, 2024-July 19, 2025

The University Art Museum is pleased to announce Warhol & Friends, a group exhibition featuring selected artworks from the NMSU Art Museum's Permanent Art Collection. Showcasing images emphasizing replication and repetition, this exhibition investigates the aesthetics of collaboration, connectivity, and intervention between artists, their images, and the viewers. Drawing from notions of commodity fetishism, abstract expressionism, and a diverse array of image and printmaking methods, this collection of work functions as a shift in context, accommodating a reconsideration of the artist’s visual language of the familiar world. Alluring and glamorous, Warhol & Friends transforms the Bunny Conlon Modern & Contemporary Art Gallery, inviting the viewers to contemplate the relationship of the images to the contemporary world. Exhibited artists include Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Sol LeWitt, Esther K Smith and Dikko Faust, and more. This exhibition is curated by Dr. Jess Ziegenfuss, in collaboration with NMSU Art Museum Collection’s Curator Courtney Uldrich. 

More Information coming soon


Contemporary Gallery:

Carolyn Salas, Fighand,

Carolyn Salas: Night Vision
September 27, 2024-March 8, 2025

In her site-specific exhibition Night Vision, Carolyn Salas crafts multidimensional chromatic sculptures that oscillate between geometric abstraction and figuration. Inspired by research on healing therapies and dream analysis, Salas composes forms from a fresh lexicon of symbols and materials, referencing ritual, female strength and resilience, mental health, and art history.

The exhibition Night Vision is an experimental exhibition that emerges from a residency at New Mexico State University and represents a personal journey that marks a return to New Mexico, a place where Salas made early developments in her artistic practice. In a new direction, Salas uses the walls of the gallery as sculptures, carving human size shapes into them, transforming viewers’ conception of space, place, and their relationship to objects and form.

Salas received her BFA in sculpture from the College of Santa Fe and MFA from Hunter College. She is a Chashama Studio Space recipient and an Elizabeth Foundation Studio Program/Space awardee. She is represented by Mrs. Gallery in New York and has exhibited her work across the US.

Image Credit: Image Courtesy of Artist, Border Destroyer, 2023, Crushed stone and glass bead in acrylic paint on panel, 50 x 40in.
More Information coming soon


Carolyn Salas: Night Vision
27 de septiembre de 2024- 8 de marzo de 2025

En su exhibición de sitio específico, Night Vision, Carolyn Salas crea esculturas cromáticas multidimensionales que oscilan entre la abstracción geométrica y la figuración. Inspirándose en la investigación sobre terapias curativas y el análisis de los sueños, Salas compone formas a partir de un léxico fresco de símbolos y materiales, haciendo referencia al ritual, la fuerza y resiliencia femenina, la salud mental y la historia del arte.

Night Vision es una exposición experimental que surge de una residencia en la Universidad Estatal de Nuevo México y representa un viaje personal que marca un regreso a Nuevo México, lugar donde Salas empezo a desarrollar su trabajo artístico. En una nueva dirección, Salas utiliza las paredes de la galería como esculturas, tallando en ellas las figuras de dimensiones humanas, transformando la concepción sobre espacio, lugar y su relacion con los objetos y formas.

Salas recibió su licenciatura en escultura del College of Santa Fe y su maestría en Bellas Artes en el Hunter College. Fue ganadora del Chashama Studio Space y el Elizabeth Foundation Studio Program/Space. Esta representada por Mrs. Gallery en Nueva York y su trabajo ha sido exhibido a lo largo de los Estados Unidos.

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Mullennix Bridge Gallery:

Thumbnail,Carlos Rosales-Silva, Border Destroyer

Carlos Rosales-Silva: Border Destroyer 
September 27, 2024-March 8, 2025

In "Border Destroyer," El Paso-born, NY-based artist Carlos Rosales-Silva transforms UAM’s Mullennix Bridge Gallery with a site-specific mural critiquing unjust land boundaries and border control. Drawing from modernism’s roots in Indigenous design and traditional Mexican material culture, Rosales-Silva connects varied cultural iconography from the border region within this textured mural, blurring the lines between architecture, landscape painting, and abstract art. Over a two-day visit in Spring 2024, Rosales-Silva instructed painting students in the NMSU Department of Art, prompting them to respond to their local environment. The resulting collaborative works will be integrated into the mural depicting the liberating force of art and education against militarized border enforcement.

Carlos Rosales-Silva, received his Masters in Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts and is currently represented by both Sargent's Daughters in Los Angeles and New York City, and Ruiz-Healy Art gallery in Texas. He has exhibited extensively in the United States and Mexico, with recent shows at NYU, Texas Tech, Penn State, and Beverlys, in NYC. Currently, he's completing a residency at the Bemis Center in Omaha, NE, after previous residencies at Abrons Art Center, Residency Unlimited in NY, and Artpace in San Antonio, Texas.

Image Credit: Fighand, 2022, Powder-coated aluminum
Photo credit: Lawrence Elizabeth Knox

More Information coming soon


Carlos Rosales-Silva: Border Destroyer
27 de septiembre de 2024- 8 de marzo de 2025

En “Border Destroyer,” el artista Carlos Rosales-Silva, nacido en El Paso y afincado en Nueva York, transforma la Mullenix Bridge Gallery de la UAM (University Art Museum) con un mural específico para el sitio que critica la injusticia de los límites territoriales y el control de la frontera. A partir de raíces modernistas de diseños indigenas y material tradicional de la cultura mexicana, Rosales-Silva conecta una iconografía cultural variada de la frontera dentro de este mural texturizado, desdibujando las líneas entre la arquitectura, la pintura de paisajes y el arte abstracto. Durante una visita de dos días en la primavera de 2024, Rosales Silva instruyó a estudiantes de pintura en el Departamento de Arte de NMSU, animándolos a responder a su entorno local. Los trabajos colaborativos resultantes se integrarán en el mural que representa la fuerza liberadora del arte y la educación contra la vigilancia fronteriza militarizada.

Carlos Rosales-Silva recibió su maestría en bellas artes de la School of Visual Arts y actualmente está representado por Sargent’s Daughters en Los Ángeles y Nueva York, así como por la Ruiz-Healy Art Gallery en Texas. Ha exhibido extensamente en los Estados Unidos y México, con exposiciones recientes en NYU, Texas Tech, Penn State, y Beverlys en la ciudad de Nueva York. Actualmente, esta en una residencia en el Bemis Center en Omaha, NE, después de residencias interiores en el Abrons Art Center, Residency Unlimited en Nueva York y Artpace en San Antonio, Texas.

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Margie and Bobby Rankin Retablo Gallery:

more information on next exhibition coming soon